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SIFIDE - Tax Incentive Systems for Business R&D
SIFIDE aims to increase the competitiveness of companies by supporting their efforts in Research & Development by deducting from the IRC collection a percentage of the respective R&D expenses (in the part not reimbursed by the State or European Funds).

What are the eligible expenses?
Expenses with personnel directly involved in R&D tasks (If a doctorate, it is considered at 120%)
Operating expenses (up to 55% of personnel expenses)
Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment
Participation in the capital of R&D institutions and contributions to investment funds
Cost of registration, acquisition and maintenance of patents
Expenditure on R&D audits
Staff participation in the management of R&D institutions
Contracting of R&D activities with public entities (or with statute) or suitable entities recognized by ANI
Expenses with demonstration actions
Expenses related to R&D activities associated with ecologically designed product projects are considered to be 110%.
If you do research
apply for the incentive!
All IRC taxpayers who are primarily engaged in an agricultural, industrial, commercial and service activity can apply for this grant system provided that they fulfill two conditions cumulatively: the taxable profit is not determined by indirect methods and that are not indebted to the Tax Authority and Social Security.
What R&D activities are covered?
Research expenses: those incurred by the IRC taxpayer with a view to acquiring new scientific or technical knowledge;
Development expenses: those incurred by the IRC taxpayer through the exploitation of results of research work or other scientific or technical knowledge with a view to discovering or substantially improving raw materials, products, services or manufacturing processes.
What are the deductible fees?
For the current year, the rates in force are:
Base rate - 32.50% of expenses incurred in the year of application
Incremental rate - 50% of the increase in this expense in relation to the average of the previous 2 years, up to the limit of 1.5 million euros
This fee is increased by 20% for expenses related to the hiring of doctorates by companies for R&D activities, in which case the limit will be 1.8 million euros.
For IRC taxpayers who are SMEs, who have not yet completed two financial years and who have not yet benefited from the incremental rate, a 15% increase is applied to the base rate .